2021, laundry basket, safety pins, metal crutches, placemats, found clothing, shower curtain, styrofoam balls, cotton stuffing, interior house paint, 90”x60”x86”
2022, record, ink, plate holder, wine rack, tray table, pantyhose, various found edible material, high gloss interior acrylic house paint, 78”x14”x17”
2022, record, ink, plate holder, wine rack, tray table, pantyhose, various found edible material, high gloss interior acrylic house paint, 78”x14”x17”
2022, record, ink, plate holder, wine rack, tray table, pantyhose, various found edible material, high gloss interior acrylic house paint, 78”x14”x17”
2020, Epson printer, foot massaging plastic pieces, belt, interior house paint, 7”x9”x16”
2020, fold out metal and wood framed mirror, acrylic paint, acrylic latex interior house paint, 11”x1”x11”
2020, ironing boards, sewing pins, “God loves you” board, rubber grip material, plastic spatula, plastic flowers, 1980’s Dr. Scholl's foot massager, beaded handbag, 12”x8”x72”
Constructed, paint roller, plastic paint tray, paint brush, acrylic paint, latex and cloth gloves, 18”x4”x30”, 2019
It Must be Him, plastic briefcase, lace, album cutouts, lampshades, found fabric, belt, clip board, tassels, 1.5’x2’x1’, 2019
I Crocheted it for a Friend, leather reclining chair, 1970’s tube television, leather briefcase, crocheted fabric, lampshades, frequency antenna, 4.5’x3.5’x4.5’, 2019
Corner Piece (Side View), cotton canvas, spray paint, dirt, ink, acrylic paint, 4’x2.5’x4.5’, 2019
Breaking the form, ink, acrylic paint, spray paint, canvas, stapled to stretcher, 3.25’x1’x3.5’, 2019